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The Moxie Maven Masterclass

Learn the first 6 things you need to set up and create in Moxie.
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What can you achieve in your business by using Moxie CRM?

Moxie CRM is not just a tool; it's a bestie in your business adventure. From initiating the project, planning, collaborating, to delivering, and even billing for the project—it's all in one place.

Streamline your business operations through effective Moxie CRM implementation.

Build confidence in managing clients, invoicing, and projects with a well-structured system.

Create sustainable recurring revenue through automated processes and enhanced productivity.

The Moxie Maven Way: Building Your CRM Foundation

There is a method to the madness of creating a Magic Moxie and if you jump ahead too soon, the roadblocks will be unavoidable. Frustration sets in. You waste time. You lose money. You need a nice clean workspace that you like spending time in.
process and project management with moxie

This is a detailed tutorial showing you how to set up Moxie CRM effectively for your business. This masterclass covers:

  • Moxie overview and essential settings
  • Email template creation and management
  • Pipeline stages setup
  • Form template creation
  • Project types and client notifications
  • Project templates
  • BONUS: Printable Checklist

This Moxie CRM Masterclass is specifically designed for small business owners and service providers who want to streamline their client management processes.

Hi! I'm Lisa Williams

I love carrot cake, nature walks, NFL football (Go Lions!), and a good laugh. I’m a “Friends” fanatic – Could Moxie BEEEEE more awesome? 😄

As an early adopter of Moxie, I was looking for a way to manage the projects in my business, while keeping as much of the work within one solution.

As time went on, and I helped fellow small business owners set up their systems, I was blown away by the results I was seeing people have. I was able to get time back, get rid of some subscriptions, and of course – saw a nice growth in my revenue!

That is why I am so excited to help others find their groove with Moxie. This Moxie CRM Masterclass is here to take the frustration out of managing your business processes as you start to incorporate Moxie.

Lisa Williams with coffee

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