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Your Moxie Maven Courses & Tutorials

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"Signing up for Moxie Maven Academy has made all the difference. I think Lisa does a beautiful job of going through everything in terms that can be easily understood and followed." - Ben F.

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Your Moxie Maven Options

Free Tutorial
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Learn the first 6 things you need to set up and create in Moxie + Get a Printable Checklist!
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The Basics
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Starter Course

A Step-by-Step Moxie CRM Course created for web designers, by a web designer.
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Moxie Maven Academy

A comprehensive course that provides a fully customized learning solution for business owners who want to harness the full potential of Moxie.
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What's So Amazing About Moxie CRM?

Your Business In One Place

Manage your calendar, communication, invoices, opportunities, time and more.

Opportunity Management

Efficiently move new opportunities through a sales process, providing immediate visibility into where things are.

Custom Proposals and Contracts

Easily create custom proposals and automate the creation of invoices, projects and tasks.

Save Your Sanity

Manage your business with ease and relax knowing that you have “all the things” under control.